By: Mr. Roman Bernard Sloan
So you've taken the big leap to find and jumpstart your own home based mlm business. I'd like to extend to you a big salute and wish you well. Also, I'd like to extend to you a big warning about 5 groups of people who could harm your home mlm business severely.
These people may sound very familiar to you because you've dealt with them before. Or, they may not sound familiar to you at all in which case, that person is you. In any event, the next time you encounter one of these people please do everything you can to keep them away from your mlm home based business-or you'll regret it for sure.
1. (The "I'm too busy" person) -First up is the person that says they're too busy to give you 15 minutes to hear some exciting things about your home based mlm business opportunity. This person seems to always be on the go but strangely enough, this person who is so busy still has time to sit in front of the TV like a zombie for 3 hours a night.
2. (The organization destroyer) -Up next is the know-it-all who tells you about your home based mlm business opportunity before you can utter one word. They use misinformation to undermind your relationship with your mlm business partners in an effort to discourage you.
3. (The "this sounds like a" person) -This person is either a borderline or a full blown conspiracy theorist. They will say your home based mlm business opportunity sounds like a pyramid scheme or some get rich quick scam. They'll say this because they don't realize that non-legit opportunities don't offer tangible products and services like you do.
4. (The whiner) -This person has whined about their current life situation and will probably whine about your mlm business opportunity too. Just hand this person a piece of tissue and move on.
5. (The lazy marketer) - This person may be the most dangerous of them all because though he joined you in your home based mlm business opportunity; he hasn't done any work to promote and market the business. He expects results to just fall in his lap so he just sits back and waits. Funny thing is that when he sees no results from his inaction he turns to you like it's your fault.
These people should be kept away from your mlm business opportunity at all costs. Their negative aura will do nothing but reflect negatively on you, your surroundings, and your home based mlm business opportunity.
Above all else you should commit and then re-commit everyday to work your home mlm business opportunity effectively.Though negativity is strong, with continued healthy doses of positivity and decisive purposeful steps, you and you mlm business will grow by leaps and bounds.
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A lot people are just made to work for others their whole lives, are you one of them. If not then look at starting your own home mlm opportunity today. get paid in your home business or make someone else rich.
Kamis, 08 Mei 2008
Five Types to Keep Away From Your Home MLM Business Opportunity
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